
Emelina Soares expresses her unique perspective and artistic vision through various mediums such as site-specific installations, animation, projection, drawing, printmaking, and sculpture. Her creative explorations revolve around significant themes of ecology, ethology, migration, and cultural exchanges. Drawing inspiration from her personal background as an Indian raised in Qatar, Emelina delves into her family's history, particularly her grandfather's relationship with Portugal as a result of Goa's colonization. These narratives have fueled her curiosity about the interconnectedness of past events and their impact on the present. During her time as a graduate student in Canada, she further expanded her interests by immersing herself in indigenous lands and their rich ancestral knowledge, providing her with a profound understanding of the visitor's perspective. This exposure also enabled her to engage with the mycology community, deepening her research on the fascinating kin relationships between botany and mycelium—an organism sharing a DNA structure similar to humans.

Emelina's passion for art has not only driven her creative pursuits but has also led her to facilitate artist-in-residence programs for the Vancouver International Sculpture Biennale. Furthermore, she has collaborated with physicists at TRIUMF, Canada's esteemed national particle accelerator center, to develop interdisciplinary pedagogies focusing on materials and methods that investigate the perception of dark matter. Her research endeavors continually investigate the patterns present within matter, thereby enriching her teaching and research practice.

Emelina recently completed her MA in Museum and Gallery Practices at the University College of London, Qatar, and her MFA at Emily Carr University of Art and Design. Throughout her artistic journey, she remains deeply grateful for the unwavering support of her parents and university professors at Virginia Commonwealth University, University College of London Qatar, and Emily Carr University of Art + Design.

Emelina's current body of work encompasses thought-provoking site-specific installations that provoke discussions on various subjects, including the migration of bodies, the adaptive nature of invasive species, the transient habitats of all life forms, and the evolving perspectives of space and place. By weaving together her personal experiences, cultural heritage, and a profound curiosity for history and the environment, Emelina Soares invites viewers into a visually captivating world that prompts contemplation and reflection.

Emelina Soares


Jeffrey Hughes


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